Monday, February 10, 2014

The Move Is Over, But It's Not...

I haven't been blogging much at all. As many of you know, after 25 years of living in one house, we moved to a new house back in July. I've had work done on the house and got most of the unpacking done. Then a got bronchitis back in November and that got the best of me for three weeks. When I recuperated, I had to deal with the holidays which I was very much looking forward to in our new home.

I stopped the unpacking and switched over into decorating mode. The tree we had at the old house took some abuse on the way over here and it was too wide anyway. So, my first mission was to get a new, slender tree that would fit perfectly just about anywhere. For the first time I got some nice garland to drape on the banister to the stairway upstairs. Had to get a couple of things for the windows and door too. I kept it simple because I didn't want to overwhelm myself after all I had to deal with the past few months. Thank God I was able to do just about all my shopping online and I started early. But, on the down side, I now had MORE boxes around the house and it looked like I was taking ten steps back instead of making progress. As soon as the tree was up, I wrapped what was in the all the packages and put them under the tree, to clear up the congestion.

Ever since putting the house on the market, I kind of fantasized about the holidays. I thought about baking and cooking with the girls, their usual ritual of wrapping gifts, decorating the tree etc etc. But, in all my reverie, I forgot something...the girls aren't babies any more...they are not even in college. They don't have the kind of time I was looking forward to. No winter breaks, or Christmas vacations. They work. And, they work different shifts. My older daughter gets home at seven at night, while my younger daughter works from three in the afternoon to eleven. They are like ships in the night, their paths cross only on Sunday and Monday nights. I was sad about it, my visions and hopes for the holidays deflated. They knew it too because I never keep my feelings to myself.

To try to compensate for my disappointment, my younger daughter took a week's vacation before Thanksgiving and my older daughter cleared her weekend so we could go shopping all together. It was a nice weekend for shopping and eating. The girls tried to coordinate their time so they could wrap gifts together. Things were slow where my older daughter works, so they were giving employees days off and working at half staff. My daughter took off the days her sister was off so they could be home together with me. Unfortunately, my younger daughter wasn't able to get Christmas Eve off and we had to make the best of it. Maybe this year.

All is all, the holidays turned out to be very nice. Everyone liked their presents, I made all their favorite meals that week: turkey, pot roast, lasagna, and we got to visit our relatives too.

I am finding it hard to get back to the unpacking. I think all the snow has put a damper on my motivation. I am just trying to keep my floor cleaned most of the time. I'm looking forward to spring, like most of the country. This winter had been brutal and relentless. I need to get everything done before the holidays sneak up on me this year!

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